Saturday, October 27, 2012


So, the last 3 months have been quite a whirlwind. Not sure where to start?? First, we decided to build a house. So, we got that process started, listed and sold out old house, moved in with Evan's parents for a couple weeks, and have been in our new house for exactly 3 weeks today. Oh, we also celebrated Violet's third birthday and found out I was pregnant!! So after all that, can you blame me for not blogging at all? Phew! Things are coming together slowly but surely, and our house is starting to feel like home now. Violet has been such a trooper with all the constant change and has been so sweet with her mommy who has been SO sick! I am almost 15 weeks, so I keep telling myself the constant nausea will go away soon.( Here's hoping anyway). Here are a few pics! Have a happy Saturday!

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