So, sorry for the long delay b/t posts. I spent 4 days last week in the hospital. My blood pressure has been all over the place, and my midwife team wanted to watch me more closely instead of just sending me to labor and delivery triage every few days. They started me on a bp medicine that really seems to be helping, I have had 2 appointments this week, and my blood pressure has been good so far. I have another sono tomorrow, and they said next week they will be able to give us a closer estimate of her measurements, weight,etc. We also picked a date for her to start her journey to see us. The plan is for me to go to the hospital August 31st to be admitted, and they will induce me September 1st. So, until then (or unless she has other plans), I am hanging out in bed. Ev had his work convention last week. Thank you SO much mom for being my babysitter last week and taking such good care of me, I couldn't have done it with out you. Thanks Auntie Ashie for helping get Miss V's room ready. I will hopefully post a nursery pic this weekend, as that is Ev's goal date for having the nursery done. We are gearing up for baby around here and are getting so excited to meet her. Thanks for checking in and more to come!